Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 3 Training Recap

At our first DFMC team meeting, we were warned that we would be surprised by how quickly the training period will fly by- and they were right! It is hard to believe we are already three weeks in.

This past week included my first time tackling all of the Newton hills (our first group run was only a preview of about half of the hills) including the infamous Heartbreak Hill. The hill itself wasn't that bad, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I am wondering how I will tackle it on 20 mile legs come April!

However each passing week has shown me the benefits of careful and strategic training, and I am already feeling like a stronger and more efficient runner. Our group runs resume this week and I have been forewarned that the hill training coming our way will put Heartbreak and Newton to shame, so I suppose that sixteen weeks from tonight (on Marathon Eve) I may not be quite as nervous about those least that is what I am hoping!