Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Motivation: 2015, Let's Do This!

Welcome to the first Monday Motivation for 2015!  One of the most motivating things for me on this particular Monday is knowing that one year ago, I couldn't even run a mile without stopping. My what a difference a year can make though, of course, it is only by looking at the entire year that I can see just how much I have grown over that time (or, you know, shrunk).

And so it is with the research being done through the BarrProgram, funded by your generous gifts to the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge. Today's discoveries are leading to tomorrow's cures and treatments, all because of you and your support. So thank you!

Today we take a look at a current Barr program project which has led to the discovery of the underlying genes responsible for the crippling neuropathic pain experienced by more than 30% of all cancer patients, leading to new approaches for the development of drugs that treat pain. Managing the pain that some people with cancer experience as a result of their disease and from the side effects of treatments is an area in which little progress has been made. With Barr Program funding, Quifu Ma, PhD, revolutionized the understanding of this problem by identifying genes expressed in neurons that are critical for pain perception. Eventually, this will enable drug companies to develop novel therapeutic targets for pain treatment.

This project highlights what I love most about the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI)  and what they stand for. Not only are they pursuing research and treatments that lead to higher survival rates and push us closer and closer to the ultimate finish line of a world without cancer, but along the way they are interested in treating every aspect of this awful disease. Whether that be finding new ways to manage pain caused by life saving treatments or providing resources to families on how to navigate the challenges of cancer care. It is truly incredible - and incredibly motivating - to see the very real and tangible ways in which DFCI cares for their patients.

And THAT is what will keep me moving forward one step and one dollar at a time until I reach my goals this year. What are you going after in 2015?

T-Minus 104 Days!