Friday, November 6, 2015

Happy Birthday To Me!

It's my birthday!  Thank you to everyone who has already reached out with notes, emails, phone calls, etc. - your love and support means the world to me!

We are midway through my #33for33 quest to have 33 people make a gift to Dana-Farber before midnight in honor of my 33rd birthday! Thank you for considering a gift of any amount to make this day even more special by getting us one step closer to a world without cancer. Maybe the $5 you would spend on a birthday card, the $10 you might spend buying me a birthday treat or drink, or perhaps even $26.20 in honor of the marathon distance? When 100% of each and every dollar goes directly to supporting research at Dana-Farber's Barr program, each and every gift has tremendous impact and makes a difference for so many.

Already maxed out on your charitable giving or planning to make a gift in the New Year? No worries. Do me a favor today and help someone in need, perform a random act of kindness, or sign up to volunteer or become involved with a local organization or cause. Spread some love, do some good, and give back. THAT is my birthday wish!