Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Right on Hereford, Left on Boylston

I  got a spot on the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge Team!!!!

I am running the Boston Marathon!!!!  


These are the thoughts that keep rotating through my mind in the hours since receiving the news that I have been selected for the 2015 DFMC team.  This girl who could not run a mile in high school will be running 26.2 of 'em come this April.  

I could not be more excited.  Or terrified (but the good kind).

An ambitious running goal should be met with an equally ambitious fundraising goal, and my goal is to raise $10,000 before I take that right on Hereford and left on Boylston (which refers to the last two turns on the marathon course). 100% of the funds raised by the DFMC supports the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research.  Since 1987, the Barr program has allowed talented and passionate doctors and investigators to pursue innovative research which has forever changed and shaped the approach to cancer care and treatment, not only at Dana-Farber but beyond. This crucial funding helps us all race towards the Ultimate Finish Line: A World Without Cancer.

While gifts of any amount are appreciated and vital, I am encouraging people to donate $26.20 in honor of the marathon distance.

You can also "sponsor a mile" for $126.20 and I have kicked things off by sponsoring the last two-tenths of a mile (as I imagine that after 26 miles that last little bit will certainly feel much longer).

There is a reason this is called the marathon challenge. Because it is a challenge, in every sense of the term. But it is one which I am looking forward to tackling and I know with a lot of hard work, I can do this!  I will be sharing every step of my journey from Hopkinton to Boston right here, and thank you to those of you already cheering me on and to my amazing husband Dave for urging me to apply.

T-Minus 217 days.  I've got some running to do!

Runners are directed to take a right on Hereford and Left on Boylston,
before heading past my office (at the 26 mile mark) and then to the finish line! 

How long is 26.2 miles exactly?  This long.