Monday, September 8, 2014

Please Don't Stop the Music

This morning was my first training run without music (4.6 miles to be exact).  And confession?  I loved it.

I know, I know -first I applied to run a marathon, now I am running without music. If I didn't have a husband halfway through nursing school I would say you should all be very concerned about my health and well being. But seriously, it was awesome.

And you know what else? I ran faster and more easily than I have all year. Like two minutes per mile faster. Go figure. 

Why? Because it turns out that crafting the perfect tempo playlist with equally motivating messages (i.e. Britney telling me to work it) designed to drown out the voice inside of me saying "Stop! Quit! How much longer? WALK!," has also been drowning out the voice saying "Go! Faster! You've got this! You get to eat cookies today!"  

This is uncharted territory for me and between ditching the tunes and my new Pinterest board containing winter running gear, I think this is getting serious ya'll.