Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Motivation - 26 Weeks Until 26.2!

26 weeks from today I will join hundreds of Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge runners and 29,999 of our newest friends as we run the 120th Boston Marathon. Yes my friends, the countdown has begun and I am back in pre-training mode prior to our official training starting in early December.

This past weekend I had the chance to run with my teammate Christian who lives nearby and is a DFMC newbie. As we made our way through a chilly seven miler we chatted about our motivations for joining and running with this team, and it was a reminder of just how vital our mission is.

Our run also reminded me of the sheer power of mind over matter. Had I gone out for a solo seven miler it is likely I would have spent part of it arguing with that voice saying I didn't really need to run the full seven. Five would be okay for today. Or four...and so on. Instead, I had the chance to get to know a new and energetic teammate as well as trade stories about (insert all the random things you wind up discussing on a long run). Before I knew it, we were coming up on the last big hill and in the home stretch - plus I had recommendations for a local roofer, childcare options (for the future, everyone calm down), and potential MBA programs. That is the definition of becoming #StrongerEveryRun. Knowing that each time you push yourself to get out there you will expand your horizons and grow stronger, both physically and mentally.

So let's get this party started shall we? Boston 2016, I am coming for you (and my running gloves because this was what greeted me bright and early this morning). T-Minus 182 days.

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