Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 2 Training Recap

The biggest lesson from this week's training happened off the course, versus on. I learned how bad it feels to skip runs during marathon training, particularly when you have so many amazing supporters cheering you on. But, such is life and very few people can go through an entire marathon training program without having to alter, adjust, and yes even sometimes miss, your runs. While we have all been warned of this by our training advisor Jack Fultz, it did not help to reduce the frustration or feelings of guilt which ensued. However, rest is just as important a component as logging miles and I know that I made the right choice by listening to my body this week. In the end, Saturday's long run (which wound up being an unexpected 13.3 miles on the first half of the marathon course) was my longest run yet and much stronger than my previous attempt at that mileage this past October for the Boston Half - so I must be doing something right!

Onwards to Week 3!