Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday Motivation: 8 Weeks To Go!

As I am typing this, snow continues to swirl outside our windows adding onto the 3 or so inches we received overnight (with another 3 or so expected before end of day), and I am contemplating which layers to wear when I head out for a blustery 4 miles shortly. Thankful for today's holiday which allows me to run midday after the plows have come through making conditions a little more ideal.

Training wise we are half way there, and late last week we received an update from the BAA (Boston Athletic Association) with some standard updates for all marathon participants. Tucked near the bottom was a link to the Official 2019 Boston Marathon Course Preview. While I have ran Boston twice thus far, put in countless training runs on the heart of the course, and have watched similar footage of the course in the past, seeing this preview coupled with commentary from some of the most elite athletes to take on all 8 towns and 26.2 miles of Boston's course gives me butterflies all over again (the good kind)!

8 weeks from today I will join some tremendous fundraisers and athletes in tackling this course - and for the 500+ members of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team, it will be a celebration of all the hard work each of us (you included) have put in towards getting us closer to a world without cancer! But there is still a lot of work to be done before we make our victory run. I am back on track to put in 16, 18, and 20 milers in these next few weeks after staying conservative mileage wise throughout January/early February while allowing for a strained hip to heal properly. And on th fundraising front, once some gifts in progress post to my page, we will be $9,284.20 towards my goal of raising $13,100 for vital cancer research, or roughly 71% of the way there!  

So yup, there you have it - there is still a lot of ground to cover but we're making great progress and I am confident we will surpass my goal before I line up in Hopkinton in 56 days (but who is counting)! And with that, I'm off to go skiing running!