Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Motivation - 7 Week Countdown!

7 weeks from today we run the Boston Marathon. This morning was the third morning in a row that I awoke at 5:00am with high hopes of running 16 miles. However the only running I did today was to the pharmacy, to finally pick up a steroid prescription in hopes of calming down my angry asthmatic lungs (which have been more active this week than the rest of me).

And believe me, I never thought the day would come when I would say I am frustrated because I couldn't go out and run 16 miles. But I am. It is maddening to feel fine with the exception of your lungs rebelling with every breath. To be stuck at home knowing you are causing more work for other people. To feel weak when all you want to do is be strong.

But these cough riddled hours on the couch have given me pause to reflect on just how very precious our health is. And it is a stark reminder that I am running because each and every day, people's lives and health are forever changed in the blink of an eye when they receive a cancer diagnosis. And so who am I to complain when the frustration I am feeling is merely momentary and will (hopefully) subside in coming days? When the "inconvenience" of my ailment is but a fraction of what cancer patients and families endure for not just days or weeks, but months and years. When I know people who are sitting in treatment every day and then heading out to log miles on the weekend because they won't let their diagnosis hold them back. And when there are countless parents, friends, and loved ones who have to be strong all the time for those who simply can't be. Well, that sorts of puts things in perspective doesn't it?

So instead of whining about what I missed out on this weekend, I am going to focus on what will drive me forward the rest of the week.

When people ask me why I am running again this year, one of the top reasons is because I am simply so proud of the impact the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge has had, and continues to have, on the future of cancer care and cures. But what do I really mean when I say that? Well for starters, it means that when you make a gift to DFMC, 100% of each and every dollar goes DIRECTLY towards funding research projects via the Claudia Adams Barr Program at Dana-Farber. Not a single cent goes towards the tremendous amount of lady/man power, support, and resources it takes to get 500+ runners to the starting line on Marathon Monday, or towards the "administrative" costs you will often encounter when supporting similar initiatives. Which means that even a $10 gift can help make a difference (and help make you a winner during my March Madness opportunity drawings)

As such, today I want to highlight the work being done by David Weinstock, MD and the Weinstock lab, 
which is particularly fitting in advance of my next guest post which will give you an insider look at the work being done in this lab!  With support from the Barr Program, Dr. Weinstock and his laboratory members collected and analyzed samples of a rare leukemia called Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN). BPDCN is a rare, aggressive form of leukemia that affects approximately 800 people in the United States each year. Patients with BPDCN face a tough prognosis, and researchers are working hard to learn more about this illness. Dr. Weinstock and his team discovered a mutation that can promote the growth of BPDCN cells. Having identified the mechanisms through which this mutated gene drives leukemia, they are now testing a strategy to target this mechanism. Dr. Weinstock's team also discovered that this gene is mutated in many other cancer types, including melanoma, ovarian cancer, some forms of lymphoma, and other types of leukemia. Dr. Weinstock's research could therefore have major implications not only for BPDCN, but could also lead to the development of new therapies for many other forms of cancer. Dr. Weinstock and his collaborators published some of these findings in December 2014 in the journal Nature Medicine. Oh and if that isn't amazing enough, Dr. Weinstock is also running his third Boston marathon this year a part of the DFMC team!

Still think $10 doesn't make a difference? Think again.